Isn’t life strange? Vision Board Update

Well it just goes to show that Vision Boards have an impact, though maybe not in the way that we are expecting.

On Sunday we had friends visiting and Rebecca had seen my posts about Vision Boards and asked me to show her.  So I took her through to the coaching room to show her my business board.

After studying it for a while she exclaimed ‘I’ve got that!’ pointing to a little silver heart that was used as part of the decoration for a pretty bag of granola.  It turns out it’s a Christmas decoration and it arrived in the post yesterday.

vision board gift

The vision board in my coaching room.


Thanks Rebecca! It’s now hanging alongside the board as another example of how Vision Boards can work for you.

Have you created a vision board and seen the results?  I’d love it if you’d share your story.  Was it an actual item that you received or was it a feeling or way of being?

This particular board was created in an old picture frame, which made it easy to hang, and it has the added protection of the glass cover.  I took a photo of this and had it as my desktop on both computer and phone and even had it printed onto a handbag.  How many ways have you used your creation?




About Clare Wildman

Life coaching from Lincolnshire. Having moved from Milton Keynes I'm now based between Boston and New York, in the UK. Looking forward to welcoming clients to the new coaching room and having the option for walking as we talk or taking advantage of sunny days in the garden.