My Vision Board Story

I’d heard about vision boards long before I made my first one.  They sounded fun but I didn’t really ‘get’ how they could help.  Then about three years ago I was invited to one of Angela Samm’s workshops.
I ‘suffered’ through a morning of relaxation and meditation all the while feeling anxious that I’d not been able to make a start on my board.  About lunchtime we were finally allowed access to the magazines and then an hour or so later we could start putting our clippings on the board.  The result was a board that completely surprised me.  At a time when I was really focused on work and trying to improve my earnings neither my business nor money featured at all.  Instead my board represented a natural flow and a path through the seasons.

vision board

This board has been propped in front of my desk ever since and now I’m happy to be able to say that my life has found it’s flow and natural rhythm.

A little later I wanted a board for my business only and one evening sat down to create.  I was quite pleased with it at the time but knew there was something missing.  Can you see what I mean?

Business vision before

Then I had the chance to go to another workshop and this time decided to recreate my business vision.  I was stunned by the result and the way that it made me feel.  WOW this really was an inspiring vision.  See the difference?


This vision board has been hung in my coaching room and helps me explain to people what a vision board is and, I hope, might inspire them to create their own.  I’ve also had a photo of this as the on my laptop, on my handbag and on my phone!  Since then I can honestly say that what it represents has started to happen.

In the meantime I’ve also hung a large picture frame in the bedroom where Mike and I now have a joint vision board.  This is a very different board.  We use this to add pictures that represent what we each want and use it as a way of flagging up thoughts to each other.  That said it’s main success so far has been me putting on a picture of the car I wanted and Mike finding it for me and Mike putting up a picture of the bike he was about to restore and then buying a second one that was in running order!

On my way to my last workshop I had no idea what I wanted my board to represent but again created an inspiring board that is very different to the earlier two and seems just right for this phase of life and what I may create over the next year or so.

vision board Nov 2014



About Clare Wildman

Life coaching from Lincolnshire. Having moved from Milton Keynes I'm now based between Boston and New York, in the UK. Looking forward to welcoming clients to the new coaching room and having the option for walking as we talk or taking advantage of sunny days in the garden.