Rock of Ages – Rock Your Life

Last night I went to see the wonderful show ‘Rock of Ages’ at Milton Keynes Theatre for a friend’s birthday.  What a treat!

1 rockWhat a show.  So many shows are based around true life stories, especially the musicals, and we often relate music to different periods of our life.  Listening to a particular track can take us straight back to an emotional time in our lives.  Sometimes that is a particularly joyful moment but sometimes we are side swiped with raw emotion.

I would imagine that if I asked you to write the story of your life so far it would be relatively easy to get the key points down and to pick out the tunes that would make up the sound track.  You might even know which actors you would cast in the leading roles.

What if I asked you to take your attention to the story of your future life?  Would you know what you wanted the story line to be? What music would accompany your story? What characters would you want to make an appearance? Which would make a hasty exit?


If you are feeling up for a challenge why not have a go at writing the review for your show.  Imagine that you have just been watching the show and include the most memorable moments and the take away message.

Let me know how you get on with this should you choose to take up the challenge.  If you’d like to do it but need some help then give me a call and we’ll put 2hrs in the diary to do some creating.

About Clare Wildman

Life coaching from Lincolnshire. Having moved from Milton Keynes I'm now based between Boston and New York, in the UK. Looking forward to welcoming clients to the new coaching room and having the option for walking as we talk or taking advantage of sunny days in the garden.