What can coaching be used for?
The uses to which coaching can be put are almost endless. You can be coached around any circumstance, situation or project that you are struggling to address on your own or simply don’t want to tackle alone.
It is easy to see that you might benefit from coaching for your career, especially if you are looking to progress to a different level. Having a coach can be useful for plotting the steps that you need to take, for helping you negotiate any obstacles that you come across and so that you know you always have someone in your corner cheering you on.
The same can be true if you are taking part in a competitive sport. It’s relatively easy to see that it would be beneificial to hire a coach to help sharpen your performance. Coaches are more common here and will often include training in specific techniques and may be able to mentor you if they once competed themselves.
How might coaching work in helping you to complete a project?
Well it will be a bit like having an additional team member who still leaves you to make the decisions and do the work (after all it’s your project). They will help you to:
- brainstorm ideas,
- scope what needs to happen,
- recognise your achievements
- plan your actions
- support you
- hold you accountable.
After all when we are working a project on our own it is easy to let tasks slip, nobody cares if you do it today or tomorrow right? Before you know it a year has gone by and you are so far behind that you are totally demoralised.
Example project
I have already been able to show that coaching techniques can be used very effectively for decluttering projects. In many cases where people are suffering from having too much stuff they need to make their own decisions (you can’t just clear it all out for them) and they are also very hesitant to share the situation that they find themselves in. Coaching can work really well here as it encourages you to take control of your situation. You control how much you know about the state of your home/office and yet you receive support, encouragement and insight into how you got into this situation and how you can get out of it again.
There are all sorts of projects that you can be working on that would benefit from a session or two of coaching. If you have stalled in your progress then give me a call and see just how it can help you. Book in for the Introduction Session and it costs just £10 for two hours of coaching to see if it helps for you. There’s absolutely no obligation. Why not give it a try now?