Stress less

It’s an ‘in the moment’ time.

We all have days that don’t quite go to plan.  Perhaps, like me, you’re having a day where you just can’t quite get clear on something and it’s starting to frustrate you.

Top Tip – Stress Less

Instead of getting stressed about it just take a few deep breaths, take a break from it if you can, go and look at something that makes you smile.

No stress, just smiles

Come back with a fresh perspective.

I’m off to do just that and I’m already feeling lighter about it. Here’s to a stress free afternoon!



About Clare Wildman

Life coaching from Lincolnshire. Having moved from Milton Keynes I'm now based between Boston and New York, in the UK. Looking forward to welcoming clients to the new coaching room and having the option for walking as we talk or taking advantage of sunny days in the garden.