The Importance of Self Care
If you know me well, or if you’ve worked with me, you’ll know this is something I’m particularly keen on. Looking after yourself is the single most important thing you can do in this life. If you aren’t in good condition you won’t be in a fit state to look after anyone else or to do anything much.
This past couple of weeks I’ve had self care forced on me as I’ve been recovering from an operation (had you noticed how quiet I’d been?). It’s been a great lesson in how hard it can be to walk your talk! I honestly didn’t realise just how much the anesthetic would slow me down. I was ready for the physical rest but not for the fact that my brain wouldn’t be functioning so I’d thought I’d be writing blogs, planning, creating and generally steaming ahead.
This time has made me realise just how tricky it can be to put yourself first when you are used to caring for others. Time after time I have gone to do something to help only to be reminded that I’m not allowed to do it. Instinct can be a tricky thing.
It’s certainly easier having a list of things that I can’t do from the hospital and knowing that I have to stick to it in order to make a quick and complete recovery. Not so easy in day to day life when you are looking after others and also trying to care for yourself.
What self care steps do you know you NEED to take to ensure that you stay fit?