It's Time for Coaching if:

Life has been feeling stale, you know you want more but you aren't sure what more looks like.  

You feel invisible and aren't sure what it means to be you anymore.

You are stuck in your comfort zone and it's starting to feel suffocating.

Life is changing around you and you don't feel like you are in control and it feels like time to change that.

You worry that you may snap soon.

You need support because

  • You are utterly exhausted
  • You need time for yourself
  • You have forgotten what having fun is like.
  • You love your work and want to excel
  • You have so much to give in so many ways
  • You are kind, caring and supportive
  • Friends and family rely heavily on you

You want to feel:

  • Alive
  • Confident
  • Guilt free
  • Successful
  • Fulfilled
  • Purposeful

Your life coach options:

Introduction to Coaching

Introduction to Coaching sessions give us time to get to know each other and find out what you really want, what changes are needed and to make a start on rediscovering you.  These sessions are available for two hours at £65, your second hour is a gift.

Book now >>

Personal Workshops

The Introduction to... series is a way of making workshops available to you on a one to one basis.  The added advantage of this is that you can book them for a date and time that works for you.

Workshop topics >>